Pressure Washing

Majestic – Your Number One Power Washing Option This Spring

Spring has well and truly arrived now… even if you might not know it from the weather we’ve been having recently in Long Island! We’re sure that will improve with time, though… it has to, right?! When that nice weather does finally arrive it will feel like the true beginning of spring, and all those lovely things that come with it. Chief amongst those is the opportunity for fresh starts. In these cases, we always find that it’s best to take a wide-ranging, holistic commitment to a new beginning. While it can be valuable to make changes in your behavior, it’s also important to make changes to your environment too. Getting your home comprehensively cleaned, for example, can feel incredibly refreshing for your mind too. That’s one of the reasons why spring cleaning is so popular! Here at Majestic Windows & Exterior Cleaning, we believe that one method stands out above all others when it comes to quickly reinvigorating the appearance of your home – power washing. Quite simply, no other service can hope to match power washing for its combination of speed and sheer effectiveness. Wherever you live in Long Island – whether it be Bellmore, Massapequa, Seaford or elsewhere – a quick session of power washing will blast away the dirt of winter, and truly get you ready for the brighter seasons ahead. Of course, you have plenty of options as to who you should pick to carry out this powerful service, here in busy Long Island. For our part, though, we’d say there’s only one correct option – Majestic Windows & Exterior Cleaning, of course! Our team here at Majestic have been carrying out power washing in Seaford, Bellmore and Massapequa for over two decades now, making us easily one of the most experienced power washing companies in Long Island. This mountain of experience carries two main benefits for you, the homeowner. Firstly, it means that we work extremely quickly. We’ve carried out power washing on houses of just about every shape and size under the sun, meaning we know exactly what to do on every new property we encounter. Less experienced companies might take a while to judge the specifics of your particular job. We’ll do that too, of course, but we’ll still get started almost immediately! Secondly, it means that we’re extremely reliable. We wouldn’t have been able to survive and thrive for so long in the competitive environment of Long Island if we weren’t! This reliability shows itself in our results, which are consistently excellent, even if we do work extremely quickly. We certainly don’t sacrifice quality in exchange for speed. Quite simply, it also shows itself in our behavior. All of our staff are extremely well-trained, and we put a huge emphasis on customer service and satisfaction. When you choose us to work on your precious home, we consider that a privilege. Throw in state-of-the-art equipment, and the ability to clean all areas of your home – from the house itself, to the driveways, to the patios – and you can see why we comfortably call ourselves your number one option for power washing in Long Island this spring. If you’d like to get us booked in today (and why wouldn’t you?!), just call 631-421-2295 now, or email  
Window Cleaning

Spring is Almost Here – Book Window Cleaning Today!

Perhaps more than any other season, spring really does have a habit of sneaking up on you. That’s particularly the case in somewhere like Long Island, with the… variable weather we can have here. Some years, it seems like it can be freezing cold and super wintry, then you wake up one morning and, suddenly, it’s nice and warm, the sun is shining, and the flowers are suddenly out! We’ve had some chilly weather this year in Bellmore, Massapequa, Seaford, and elsewhere in Long Island. But, that can change at any point. It might not seem like it right now, but spring really is just around the corner, and it’s high time to start prepping accordingly. Whilst spring certainly brings a lot of nice stuff along with it – some of which we’ve touched on already – perhaps the number one thing it’s connected with in most people’s minds is spring cleaning. It’s something we all feel that we have to do… but none of us really enjoy it! We believe the main reason for this is that people delay it as long as they can, then try to do it all at once. If you get started on it nice and early, though – and take things step by step – then it really isn’t so bad. After a long and testing winter, the exterior of your home will undoubtedly have taken a beating. Accordingly, it makes a great place to start with your early bird spring cleaning… and, here at Majestic Windows & Exterior Cleaning, we’re perfectly suited to helping you with that! We can get rid of algae, mold, dirt, and anything else that’s built up over the winter months. While pressure washing is one of the ways in which we can achieve this, it’s actually window cleaning we’d like to talk to you about today. You probably haven’t noticed, simply because you see them every day, but your windows will almost certainly have gotten considerably dirtier during the course of the winter. This will be the case wherever you live – whether in Massapequa, Bellmore or Seaford – but it’ll likely be worse for those of you whose houses are in coastal locations. The good news is that, however bad this buildup has been, Majestic Windows & Exterior Cleaning will still be able to help out. We’ve been carrying out window cleaning across Long Island, every single spring, for over two decades now. We’ve encountered a whole lot of grubby windows in that time, and – on every single occasion – we’ve been able to help out the homeowner considerably with their spring cleaning! Majestic are fully insured for your peace of mind, and offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee, which effectively ensures your spring gets off to a great start. We also carry modern equipment, and our staff our extremely well-trained, which means we’ll likely get window cleaning results that not only match, but exceed your expectations. Spring is fast approaching, and it’s high time to start planning accordingly. Get a head start on your spring cleaning, courtesy of Majestic’s expert residential window cleaning service. In doing so, you’ll take the sting out of what can normally be a stressful time of the year, allowing you to simply enjoy the good stuff. To get started now, just call 631-421-2295, or send an email to    
Window Cleaning

Get Your Business Ready for Spring, with Majestic Window Cleaning

As with every season, there are obviously a lot of different ideas associated with spring… some good, and some bad! One of the most famous ones – which also often falls into the latter category – is spring cleaning. With spring fast approaching now (not that you’d know it from our current weather here in Long Island), we wanted to chat to you about this topic, specifically from a business-oriented perspective. The winter can be a tricky time for many businesses, particularly after the holidays. The cold weather – which we’re no stranger to in places like Seaford, Massapequa and Bellmore – encourages people to stay in their homes, rather than going out to shops, restaurants, and so on. Likewise, after the increased expenditure which comes with the holiday period, this is a time of year when many people like to tighten their belts financially. Spring, however, represents a great time to kickstart your business again, and turn around your commercial fortunes. Spring cleaning – something which most people dread – is actually a perfect way to do this. As a business owner, particularly in the competitive environment of Long Island, you already know that appearances are incredibly important to your fortunes. To some extent, it doesn’t matter how good your actual offering is – if your business premises don’t look inviting from the outside, you’re going to struggle to attract new customers. The good news is that this is an easy thing to sort out. Literally all you have to do, to reinvigorate both the appearance and the fortunes of your business, is pick up the phone… and contact Majestic Windows & Exterior Cleaning! Inquire after our renowned and time-tested commercial window cleaning service, and you’ll already be well on your way to having a great spring. Early spring is one of our busiest times here at Majestic, with our commercial window cleaning service in particularly high demand, across Bellmore, Massapequa, Seaford, and the rest of Long Island. While it’s true that much of this work comes from regular, returning, long-term business clients, we’re certainly always willing to help out new customers too! We realize that you have quite a few choices, when it comes to satisfying your window cleaning needs this spring. We do believe, however, that there are a few extremely important things which distinguish Majestic Windows & Exterior Cleaning from the pack. For starters, we’re comfortably one of the most experienced window cleaning companies on Long Island. In fact, we’ve been cleaning windows on commercial premises for over 20 years now. We must be doing something right, to have stayed in business for that long! Through both that sheer longevity, and our own innate desire to constantly improve in both of our equipment and technique, we’ve also amassed a wealth of valuable experience in that time. We’ve cleaned windows on basically every type of business you can imagine here on Long Island, from restaurants and bars, to car showrooms and offices. Basically, whatever the specifics of your job, and whether you’re based in Massapequa, Seaford or Bellmore, we’ll be able to complete it swiftly and skillfully. If your business has had a tough winter… then you’re not alone! Still, there’s no need to keep the downturn going. Turn things around, and quickly, with a batch of professional and highly-effective window cleaning from Majestic. To get in touch now, just email, or call us on 631-421-2295.  
Pressure Washing

Majestic – Your Top Choice for Power Washing in Bellmore

We’re not sure that Long Island has ever been hotter. We’re speaking proverbially, of course, because right now it’s pretty darn cold here! Amazon recently announced Long Island as one of two homes for its massive new headquarters, and the housing market continues to go from strength to strength. We’re Long Island born and bred here at Majestic Windows & Exterior Cleaning, so of course we’re a little biased. Still, we’d say that our already-great home has never been in a better position. The fact is that people like ourselves take a lot of pride in being from, and living on Long Island. This is certainly one of the main factors behind the aforementioned strong property market, which could be seen as the building block on which Long Island’s success is built. People truly care for their homes here, whether they’re based in Bellmore or elsewhere. In turn, lots of companies have sprung up over the years which help people to keep their homes in optimal condition. Majestic Windows & Exterior Cleaning are amongst these companies, offering services like power washing in Bellmore. Rather than just being “one of” them, however, we firmly believe that we’re right at the top of the pile. Basically, if you’re looking for power washing in Bellmore or elsewhere in Long Island… you should come to us! We realize that’s a pretty big statement to make, but we’ve got plenty of good reasons to be so confident. Perhaps most importantly of all, we’ve got a tremendous amount of experience in providing power washing for the good people of Bellmore… and everywhere else in Long Island, for that matter! In fact, we’ve been carrying out this service for over two decades now, having started all the way back in 1998. This wealth of experience provides a whole raft of benefits for you. It means that we work more quickly and efficiently than the competition… whilst also achieving superior results! In addition, though, we also work safely. This is one of the main reasons why so many people continue to trust us with the wellbeing of their precious homes. We know exactly how much pressure to use on each surface, to get everything sparkling clean whilst also avoiding any damage. We’ve also continued to work on our power washing service over the years, to ensure we stay at the top of our game. We’ve consistently invested in the latest and greatest equipment, and we’ve made it a priority to provide full, intensive training to every staff member who’s joined our team. That all sounds pretty great, right? Well, we’ve got one last piece of good news for you – we’re also one of Bellmore’s most affordable power washing options! Rather than offering a series of pricey, pre-packaged options, we take the time to investigate your specific needs, and use them to provide a bespoke, fair quote. Don’t waste unnecessary time looking through all your power washing options in Bellmore. Save yourself the trouble by making the right call straight away, and hiring Majestic Windows & Exterior Cleaning! To do just that, call 631-421-2295, or email  
Pressure Washing

Why Winter is the Perfect Time for Power Washing

Well, the jovial holiday season is well and truly behind us now. We’re not too upset about that, here at Majestic Windows & Exterior Cleaning, simple because… we love what we do! Accordingly, getting back to work isn’t exactly a hardship for us. For many of you, though, we know that this can be a gloomy time of year. The frigid weather we’re experiencing here in Long Island – in Merrick and elsewhere – certainly won’t help in this regard. If you are feeling a little down, we’ve got a suggestion for you which you probably hadn’t thought of before… order a session from Merrick’s top power washing company, Majestic Windows & Exterior Cleaning! Typically, people don’t tend to think about exterior cleaning at this time of year. Power washing is seen as something best suited for spring or summer, when you’re more likely to be entertaining friends and family at your home, specifically with outdoor events like barbecues. We’d say this is a big old mistake, pure and simple! Firstly, we’d ask you to consider the long-term health of your most valuable possession – your home. Here on Long Island, and particularly in coastal towns like Merrick, our precious homes really can take a beating. They’re exposed to powerful wind and rain for much of the year. In the winter, when ice and snow become factors too, this beating becomes even more intense! Accordingly, unwanted substances like dirt and algae build up much faster on Merrick homes than they would on houses situated inland. Left unchecked, these things can end up causing long-term damage to your house, which will be costly and time-consuming to repair. In this context, you can clearly see how simply ordering a session of power washing from Majestic Windows & Exterior Cleaning every now and again makes a lot of financial sense! On a more basic level, you might simply need a mental boost at this trying time of year. You’re likely to spend more time in and around your home than you would in the warmer months… so don’t you want that home to look as lovely and inviting as it possibly can?! The difference between arriving home from work and seeing a grubby-looking house, compared to a pristine, sparkling home – and the effect this immediately has on your mood – should not be underestimated. Power washing is an extremely quick and efficient way to get your home looking as good as new again. That’s particularly true when you choose to hire a power washing company that’s as experienced as Majestic Windows & Exterior Cleaning. Thanks to our expertise and top-of-the-line equipment, we can achieve truly transformative results in a short amount of time. We’re able to clean not only the house itself, but the driveways, patios, decking, and other surrounding features, all to the same high standard. This doesn’t need to be a moody time of year in Merrick. Thanks to our expert power washing service here at Majestic Windows & Exterior Cleaning, you can both swiftly lift your mood, and help to ensure the long-term health of your home. Sounds like a pretty good deal to us! To get in touch with Majestic now, simply call 631-421-2295, or email    
Window Cleaning

Get Prepared for the Festive Season, With Majestic Window Cleaning

Between the unceasing commercials on TV, enormous promotions from shops, and (less cynically) the general air of excitement, you might have noticed that the festive season is fast approaching! That’s right, the most wonderful time of the year is coming to Long Island once again. We absolutely love the holiday season here at Majestic Windows & Exterior Cleaning. Places like Huntington and Melville are pleasant at any time of year, of course… but when December rolls around, they become even better! The atmosphere is transformed into one of anticipation and sheer fun. From a working point of view, this is actually one of our busiest times of the entire year! That’s true for both our commercial and residential window cleaning offerings, as people across the island rush to get ready for the holidays. We’re certainly not complaining, though. Not only does this allow us to tap into the air of excitement even more; we also take great pleasure and satisfaction in helping people prepare for the festivities. The business owners amongst you will know exactly what we’re talking about, when we speak of this being a hectic time. Whatever line of work you’re in, we’re guessing you see a significant uptick in activity too right about now. That’s particularly true for those of you who own businesses like cafes, restaurants and bars. People love to celebrate at this time of year, after all, and they need somewhere nice to do all of that celebrating! Commercial window cleaning – which we certainly provide here at Majestic Windows & Exterior Cleaning – is the perfect way to ensure that you capitalize on this opportunity. Ordering a full session of window cleaning right now will ensure your business looks as attractive and inviting as possible at this crucial time. In turn, that will both encourage returning customers to keep coming back, and greatly increase your chances of drawing in new customers. Whilst commercial window cleaning is certainly a focus for us right about now, that certainly doesn’t mean we neglect our residential customers! For homeowners up and down Long Island – in places like Melville, Huntington and beyond – this is also a very busy time of year. The holidays are a time for welcoming friends and family into your home, after all, and in those circumstances it’s only natural to want your home to look as nice as possible! You can take care of the inside of your home, of course, but to get the outside looking spick and span, you’re going to require some professional help. Fortunately for you, Majestic Windows & Exterior Cleaning are highly experienced in the field of residential window cleaning. In fact, we’ve been scrubbing people’s windows clean at this time of year for two decades now! Whether you’re the owner of a business or a home here in Long Island, this will still be one of the busiest times of your year. By preparing for it in advance, you can help to relieve some of the stress that comes with this hectic period. Taking care of your window cleaning nice and early is a perfect way to do this, and – at Majestic Windows & Exterior Cleaning – we’re here to help. To get in touch with us now, just send an email to, or call 631-241-2295.    
Window Cleaning

Majestic – The Safest Window Cleaning Option in Huntington and Melville

We think it’s fair to say that people don’t think of Long Island as being the most bustling place in the world. In reality, though, it’s actually one of the most densely-populated areas in the US. Over 7.5 million people live in an area of only 1,400 square miles, meaning that – if Long Island was its own state – it would actually be the most densely-populated in the entire country! Basically, Long Island is a pretty busy place, with a whole lot of people living here… and there’s one thing all of these people need pretty regularly – window cleaning! If you’re a resident of Huntington, Melville, or any other place on Long Island, we’re guessing that you obviously already have a professional window cleaning company in place. Picking a new one, therefore, represents something of a risk on your part. It’s a move from the known into the unknown, and that’s something which we never undervalue here at Majestic Windows & Exterior Cleaning. We know that your home is your most valued possession, and that – every time you order some window cleaning – you’re entrusting its wellbeing to other people. You’re certainly putting a lot of trust into the window cleaners, and that’s something which should never be taken for granted. In this situation, you want to find the safest and most trustworthy window cleaning company in Long Island that you possibly can. At Majestic Windows & Exterior Cleaning, we firmly believe that we are that company. To start off with, we’ve got a tremendous amount of experience. We’ve been carrying out residential window cleaning in Huntington, Melville and beyond for twenty years now. A track record like that should reassure you of two things. Firstly, we clearly know what we’re doing – we’ve been cleaning windows for two decades, after all! Secondly, we provide consistent results, without causing damage to houses or otherwise upsetting our clients. If that wasn’t true, we wouldn’t continue to be hired by them, and we couldn’t have lasted this long! In addition to that, we also provide some more concrete peace of mind. This comes in the form of being fully covered by insurance. In the highly unlikely event that something does go wrong while we’re providing residential window cleaning, the resident themselves will never be on the hook for the cost. We’re happy to show you our insurance documents whenever you please. That all sounds pretty safe and secure, right? But wait… there’s more! On top of all that other good stuff, we also have a 100% satisfaction guarantee! This essentially removes any remaining risk whatsoever on your part. In short, if you’re not happy with our work in any way after we’ve left, then just give us a call and we’ll come right back out and fix the problem… no questions asked! Hiring a new residential window cleaning company in Huntington or Melville does represent a risk. It’s possible, though, to make that risk as tiny as it possibly can be, by picking Majestic Windows & Exterior Cleaning. To do just that, simply call 631-421-2295 now, or send us an email at
Window Cleaning

Majestic Window Cleaning Can Keep Your Domestic Windows Looking Beautiful In Seaford, Wantagh and Massapequa.

Winter is no problem at Majestic windows. We offer window cleaning services all year round and we believe we are one of the best window cleaning companies Massapequa, Wantagh and Seaford have to offer. It is true that we can get very busy this time of year so it is wise to book in early for the December Holidays. We will always give our regular customers priority but will try to fit anyone else in if at all possible. The use of ladders for window cleaning is now out of date; it is slow and dangerous. So we at Majestic Window Cleaners have invested in the reach and wash system, also called the pole system as it works in summer and winter and runs on pure water; it is safe, uses nothing that can harm the environment and will clean the sills at the same time as the windows. It makes sense to use professionals to clean your windows as with the right equipment no-one has to risk climbing ladders, so why jeopardize your safety? A broken leg can mean a trip to the emergency room and weeks out of work. It would cost a lot more than the small fee involved in getting the professionals to clean your windows for you. We at Majestic Window Washing are all fully insured and experienced and you can trust us with your awkward jobs too. If you need your screens cleaned we can do that for you, no problem. We are happy to give you a free, no obligation quotation for any job and will agree a price before we start so there are no nasty surprises. If you need the quote to be itemized we can do that too. We guarantee a friendly and reliable service and will let you know what day we are coming and as close to a time as is reasonable. Winter weather can be unpredictable but if we get an unexpected problem and can’t keep the appointment we will let you know as soon as we can so that you are not waiting in unnecessarily. Our operatives are always respectful of your needs and we are so confident in the quality of our own work that we offer our satisfaction guarantee. If you are not happy with any part of the job we will come back and fix it at no extra cost to you. So whether you live in Levittown, Salisbury, Bethpage Farmingdale, East Meadow, North Bellmore, Amityville, Hempstead, Massapequa, Seaford, Wantagh or anywhere in  Suffolk and Nassau counties it is definitely worth giving us a call. We are confident that if you have tried us once you will be happy to have us as your regular window cleaners. Whilst getting your window washing done you may also like to avail of our house washing and pressure washing services too. So talk to Mike on: 631-421-2295 or email to he will happily discuss your needs.  
Window Cleaning

Majestic offers Great Commercial Window Cleaning in Seaford, Wantagh and Massapequa.

At Majestic Window Cleaning believe that we are the best commercial window cleaners Massapequa, Seaford and Wantagh have to offer. December is always the busiest month of the year but if you are already one of our regular commercial window cleaning customers there is no need to worry as we will have you booked in for your scheduled cleans over the holiday period. However you do need to let us know well in advance if you have any extra needs as our December schedule can get very full. If you are not a regular customer but need a one off clean, please notify us well in ahead of time because even though things might be a bit hectic we will do our very best to fit you in. The weather in December can leave your windows extra dirty in a season when you want to welcome as many customers as possible so if you need extra cleans please give us plenty of warning. The great thing about Majestic Window Cleaning in Seaford, Massapequa and Wantagh is that we are a professional firm and are fully insured to clean all commercial property. We have the expertise, experience and equipment to do even big jobs and we understand the way business works and therefore what businesses need. We will itemize your bill showing exactly what you are paying for and all taxes charged so that the paperwork is fully compatible with your accounts. Majestic Commercial Window Cleaning is a safety conscious company and can supply safety statements, proof of insurance and any other paperwork you need before we start the job. Where appropriate we can arrange to work at times when the business is either very quiet or closed thereby minimizing any inconvenience or danger to the public or to your staff. Majestic Commercial Window Cleaning understands that businesses these days cannot afford to take risks so we offer a satisfaction guarantee. This means that in the unlikely event that something on the job is not cleaned to your satisfaction we will happily return and fix the problem at no extra cost to you. As you prepare for the busy season ahead you may wish to avail of our other services like power or soft washing as we can freshen up your driveways, footpaths, shop frontages, signage, cladding and even guttering. These are jobs that are best done soon, before the busy season gets fully underway. We can also clean windows in factories, hospitals, warehouses, offices and public buildings such as schools and colleges. Majestic Window Cleaners cover large areas of Suffolk and Nassau counties including: Salisbury, Bethpage Farmingdale, East Meadow, North Bellmore, Amityville, Hempstead, Lloyd Harbor, Cold Spring Harbor, Huntington Bay, Mutton Town, Old Brookville, Syosset, Woodbury and Dix Hills. Making your premises clean and welcoming is definitely good for business so don’t hesitate to call us on: 631-421-2295 or send us an email at: and see what we can do for you today.
Window Cleaning

Revitalize Your Home This Fall, With Majestic

We’ve had a truly incredible summer here in Long Island. The sun has beamed down on Cold Spring Harbor, Dix Hills, Huntington, and everywhere else in our fair corner of the world. We hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as the staff here at Majestic Windows & Exterior Cleaning. It’s during summers like that one when we’re particularly glad we get to work outdoors. In the winters, particularly the one we had last year? Well… not so much! Still, all good things must come to an end, and the summer is quickly drawing to a close. The temperatures – while still comfortable – are beginning to drop, and the sun is starting to show its face less often. That’s right – fall is fast approaching, and it’s time to start making your preparations. The changing of the seasons is always a great time to make changes in your life, and look at new beginnings. That goes not just for your own actions, but for the environment that you live in too, which your home is obviously a massive part of. As fall begins in earnest, now’s the perfect time to revitalize your home. Of course, with a job as big and important as that, it’s always good to have a bit of help! Well, here at Majestic Windows & Exterior cleaning, we’d love to offer our assistance. Wherever you live in Long Island – whether it be Dix Hills, Huntington, Cold Spring Harbor or further afield – we’ll happily travel to your home, and have it sparkling again in no time. We do this through a combination of two major services, which we’ve mastered across our two decades of experience: window cleaning, and pressure washing. The importance of good, regular window cleaning is often overlooked. In order to have a happy home, we think it’s absolutely vital. Clean windows don’t only make your house look nicer from the outside, giving you a sense of satisfaction when you return home every day. They also allow noticeably more sunlight through than their dirtier counterparts, giving your whole home a brighter feel. On top of that, clean windows actually provide better insulation too, helping to keep your heating bills down as the temperatures drop. As for pressure washing, well, few services can revitalize a home faster. Like many people, you may have… “eased off” a little on the exterior cleaning during the summer. Despite the lovely weather we enjoyed, unwanted substances will have built up over those months; dirt, mold, algae, and so on. Get Majestic Windows & Exterior Cleaning on the case, and we’ll bring powerful, top-of-the-line professional pressure washing equipment with us, and have all that nasty stuff blasted away in no time. That goes not only for your house itself, but for everything that surrounds it, like your driveway, patio or decking. Summer may be coming to an end, but the fall has its own charm, particularly here in beautiful Long Island! Welcome it in style this year, with a full revitalization of your home, courtesy of Majestic’s window cleaning and pressure washing services. To get started, just give us a call on 631-421-2295, or email