Pressure Washing

Majestic – Your Top Choice for Power Washing in Bellmore

We’re not sure that Long Island has ever been hotter. We’re speaking proverbially, of course, because right now it’s pretty darn cold here! Amazon recently announced Long Island as one of two homes for its massive new headquarters, and the housing market continues to go from strength to strength. We’re Long Island born and bred here at Majestic Windows & Exterior Cleaning, so of course we’re a little biased. Still, we’d say that our already-great home has never been in a better position. The fact is that people like ourselves take a lot of pride in being from, and living on Long Island. This is certainly one of the main factors behind the aforementioned strong property market, which could be seen as the building block on which Long Island’s success is built. People truly care for their homes here, whether they’re based in Bellmore or elsewhere. In turn, lots of companies have sprung up over the years which help people to keep their homes in optimal condition. Majestic Windows & Exterior Cleaning are amongst these companies, offering services like power washing in Bellmore. Rather than just being “one of” them, however, we firmly believe that we’re right at the top of the pile. Basically, if you’re looking for power washing in Bellmore or elsewhere in Long Island… you should come to us! We realize that’s a pretty big statement to make, but we’ve got plenty of good reasons to be so confident. Perhaps most importantly of all, we’ve got a tremendous amount of experience in providing power washing for the good people of Bellmore… and everywhere else in Long Island, for that matter! In fact, we’ve been carrying out this service for over two decades now, having started all the way back in 1998. This wealth of experience provides a whole raft of benefits for you. It means that we work more quickly and efficiently than the competition… whilst also achieving superior results! In addition, though, we also work safely. This is one of the main reasons why so many people continue to trust us with the wellbeing of their precious homes. We know exactly how much pressure to use on each surface, to get everything sparkling clean whilst also avoiding any damage. We’ve also continued to work on our power washing service over the years, to ensure we stay at the top of our game. We’ve consistently invested in the latest and greatest equipment, and we’ve made it a priority to provide full, intensive training to every staff member who’s joined our team. That all sounds pretty great, right? Well, we’ve got one last piece of good news for you – we’re also one of Bellmore’s most affordable power washing options! Rather than offering a series of pricey, pre-packaged options, we take the time to investigate your specific needs, and use them to provide a bespoke, fair quote. Don’t waste unnecessary time looking through all your power washing options in Bellmore. Save yourself the trouble by making the right call straight away, and hiring Majestic Windows & Exterior Cleaning! To do just that, call 631-421-2295, or email