Pressure Washing

Seven DIY Patio Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid

A clean and well-maintained patio can be a great addition to any residential garden or outdoor living area. But if you decide to clean and maintain your own patio, there are a few mistakes that other homeowners commonly make, of which we think you should be aware. Mistakes that can cause damage to the patio surface or, in less severe cases, simply result in a less-than-satisfactory cleaning job. Below, we have listed some of the more common patio cleaning mistakes to avoid if you possibly can:

  1. Using the Wrong Cleaning Solutions – Not all types of cleaning solutions are suitable for use on all types of patio surfaces. For instance, some types of abrasive cleaners may scratch and damage natural stone surfaces, while some types of acidic cleaners can etch and discolor concrete surfaces. Before using any type of commercial cleaning solution on your patio, we advise you to make sure it is safe for the surface material in question. As natural stone and concrete washing specialists, we know firsthand the type of damage that can be caused by using the wrong type of cleaning solution.
  2. Neglecting to Sweep or Rinse the Patio Surface First – Before using any cleaning solution, it is important to sweep or rinse your patio surface first, in order to remove any loose debris or dirt. Failure to do so may result in you grinding dirt and debris into the surface of your patio, thereby making the cleaning job more difficult than it needs to be. Sometimes, if your patio is not particularly dirty, you may only need to rinse it clean with a garden hose.
  3. Not Treating Stains Immediately – If you spot an unsightly stain on your patio, you should deal with it straight away. Although it can be tempting just to leave it until the next time you are having your whole patio cleaned by the local power washing experts, it is not advisable to do so. The longer a stain is left, the harder it will be to get it out using conventional cleaning methods and equipment. If you are present at the time that something is spilled on your patio, you can minimize the chances of it causing a permanent stain by acting quickly. First, mop up as much of the excess liquid as possible. Then, use an appropriate cleaning strategy to eliminate the remaining stain, depending on the nature of the spillage.
  4. Using Too Much Pressure – High-pressure washers are a popular tool for patio cleaning, and for very good reasons. However, using too much water pressure can actually damage the surface of your patio if you are not careful. With this in mind, we urge you to make sure you are using the appropriate pressure setting for your patio material and to stand at a reasonable distance from the surface whenever you use a high pressure washer. For decks that are made from engineered wood, it is best to refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines. For custom-made decks, we recommend contacting the deck installers to ask for assistance. If you are unable to determine a safe pressure to use, please feel free to consult our experts.
  5. Allowing Cleaning Solution to Dry on the Patio Surface – When using cleaning solutions on your patio, be sure to rinse them off thoroughly and promptly. Allowing the solution to dry on the surface can cause discoloration or even damage to the surface itself, which can be very difficult to repair. In general, you should always follow the manufacturer’s instructions closely when using any type of branded commercial exterior cleaning solution. The vast majority of solutions on the market today are designed to be applied under pressure then rinsed immediately afterward. In the event that you buy a solution designed to be used in a different way, simply follow the instructions on the packaging for best results.
  6. Not Sealing the Surface After Cleaning – After cleaning your patio, consider applying a quality sealant to protect the surface from future stains and damage. This is especially important for porous materials like natural stone and brick. It might cost you a little more in the short term but, in the long term, you will find it easier to maintain your patio in excellent condition. The best quality sealants will effectively seal your patio surface and protect it from a wide range of possible contaminants and microorganisms. While extended pressure washing may loosen these contaminants and microorganisms, preventing them from bonding to the patio in the first place is the most efficient maintenance approach.
  7. Failing to Address Underlying Issues – If your patio is constantly covered in algae or mildew, there may be underlying issues such as poor drainage or inadequate sunlight that are behind these visible symptoms. Addressing these underlying issues will help you to prevent the algae and mildew from returning in the future, thereby simplifying the task of keeping your patio looking good.

Call Our Pressure Washing Pros for Patio Cleaning and More!

By avoiding these common patio cleaning mistakes, you can ensure that your patio remains in excellent condition for many years to come. And if you are not confident in your ability to keep your patio in great condition, please don’t hesitate to call and ask about our power washing services in South Huntingdon and the surrounding area. We offer a full range of outdoor cleaning services, including patio cleaning, driveway cleaning, window cleaning, and more.