Pressure Washing

Reasons To Wash Outdoor Furniture Yearly Before Using It

We all wait many long months for the return of warm weather and the opportunity to entertain outdoors. BBQs, pool parties, and more are an important part of the summertime experience and often produce memories that last a lifetime. But if the outdoor furniture you present to your guests during your Fourth of July get-together is gritty and grimy from being in the basement all winter the memory your guests will take away will be of the dirt marks the furniture left on their clothes. Below the team from Majestic Windows & Exterior Cleaning examines why pressure washing your outdoor furniture at the end of the winter is so important.

Why Clean Outdoor Furniture Matters

Whether your outdoor furniture was stowed away under the backyard deck all winter, stored in the basement, or kept in a separate storage facility in South Huntington it’s going to be worse off for the experience. It’s amazing how much grit and grime can accumulate on things over the course of six or seven months, even things that are stored indoors. If all you do when the warm weather hits is drag the furniture out into the yard and declare it ready for occupancy, you’re going to have a lot of people come to you complaining that the dirty furniture ruined their outfits. Don’t let that happen.

The Smart Way to Clean all Types of Outdoor Furniture

Whether your outdoor furniture is cast metal, plastic, or even wicker it’s going to need to be cleaned before you tell your guests to take a seat. A quick Google search aimed at finding the best way to clean such furniture will return a lot of wacky suggestions ranging from using WD-40 to mixing water, baking soda, and dishwashing detergent together in a bucket and breaking out the elbow grease.

Fortunately, Long Island residents have a better option: pressure washing from Majestic Windows & Exterior Cleaning. Also called power washing, this is a safe, fast, affordable, and proven method for removing all types of grit and grime from wood, plastic, iron, and wicker furniture, regardless of how long that furniture has been sitting around under a dirty tarp.

Expert Pressure Washing Services in South Huntington

We have helped countless homeowners ensure that the lawn, garden, patio, and deck furniture they offer their guests is as clean as the day they bought it. Our field technicians can tackle the dirtiest furniture quickly. Much faster and more effectively than you could ever do with soap and water. So even if you’re expecting a crowd this weekend and you forgot about the furniture until the last minute we can swoop in with our pressure washing equipment and clean it up for you in no time.

Get in Touch With Majestic Windows & Exterior Cleaning

Before you invite people over to share in some summertime fun make sure they will have clean outdoor furniture to sit on. The team at Majestic Windows & Exterior Cleaning provides fast, affordable, and effective pressure-washing services that will restore your dirty outdoor chairs and tables to a like-new appearance in a flash. Call 631-421-2295 to schedule an appointment.